Mad science idea. Can you clone a zombie?
The Bearded One
2006-03-08 07:45:03 UTC
Mad science idea. Can you clone a zombie?
Six answers:
Violet B
2006-03-08 10:11:10 UTC
I think you could only if you integrated the necessary necromantic rituals into the cloning process. You could clone the tissue, but it would grow as a living creature. You'd then have to euthanize it and then raise it from the dead.
2006-03-08 15:48:58 UTC
My understanding is that a zombie is the "living dead" which is an impossible contradiction. So really you would be cloning a dead person. Since the DNA would still be intact then you could possibly clone that person but a clone must grow and therefore the "dead" part would not be true therefore not a Zombie. So this is impossible as you cannot "grow" a dead thing. Also there are laws stopping people from cloning humans... answer..NO.
2006-03-08 15:53:17 UTC

just grab an old microwave box

write "TRANSMOGRIFIER" on the side

and put the zombie in

turn the dial to select the appropriate amount of clones.

and VIOLA~~!

cloned zombies.
2006-03-09 13:09:44 UTC
If Star Trek is to be believed (and why shouldn't it?), then that mad scientest on that planet proved it was possible when he cloned Captain James T. Kirk.
2006-03-08 15:56:31 UTC
As long as the built-in cell division counter doesn't automatically go to zero at death, then I don't see why not. Have fun and let us know how it turns out!
Sir Chyver
2006-03-08 18:17:35 UTC
We can give it a shot.

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