Leslie's tells me NOT to use the Liquid Chlorine (for Shock) because it is like 25 lbs. of Salt...They told me that my pool was too concentrated with chemicals and that I need to drain 2 feet from my pool and add 2 feet of CLEAN water back in and then re-test the water. Leslie's Pool tells me to use the Chlorine Tablets and that here in Florida, we are the only state that even sells Liquid Chlorine in 2.5 Gallon re-fillable jugs...They told me everywhere else they sell it only in 1 gallon bottles (non-reusable bottles)
Pinch A Penny told me that Leslies in incorrect regarding the liquid chlorine and that Liquid Chlorine is indeed BETTER then the Chlorine Tablets (for shock)
Any pool experts willing to chime on in?
Thanks in advance!!!