For elements which have more than one charge eg:Fe or cu ,u cannot know their charge as alone element, but when they are in compound, then you can by finding out each element charge and exchange their charge.
eg: in Feo (as u should memories the charges for elements with single charge such as o ,u should know it has 2_ charge) because o has a charge 2 therefore iron in here must be 2 as well .You should just learn to exchange the charges. it means to give the o charge to F and f to O. another eg is: Fe2o3 ,in here iron charge is 3.
In sum for each element the number of their groupe represents their group 1 is1+,group 2 and 3 are2+,3+(AL),then anions which are group4,5,6,7 have charges4-,5-,6-,and7-.the group8 elements do not react and therefore they don't have any charge.
hope my information becomes helpful.